Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Best Grab & Go Green Juices

Store-bought juices can be a great way to get your veggie intake and squeeze in some extra nutrients between meals. But not all green juices are created equal– just because its green doesn’t mean it’s healthy! Many juices out there have as much or more sugar than a Coca Cola as well as little to no fiber. Below I’ve rounded up 4 green juices you can find locally, let me know your favorites in the comments x

Sip N Glo Juicery: Green Beast

Local juice and smoothie shop Sip N Glo is a routine post workout stop for Philadelphia’s fitness obsessed. As well as their full menu of healthy and protein packed smoothies, they offer juices sold individually or as part of a cleanse. The Green Beast is not for the first time green juicer- packed with cucumber, green apple, celery, lemon, ginger, kale, collard greens and spinach- it definitely tastes “healthy.” BUT, with just 5 grams of sugar, it is one of my go to green juices. Available at Sip N Glo locations.

Starbucks: Green Devotion Evolution Juices

With just eight grams of sugar in an 11-ounce bottle— the Green Devotion cold-pressed Evolution Juice from Starbucks is packed with greens (including celery, cucumber, spinach, romaine and kale) and is finished with lemon and parsley- providing tons of potassium and vitamin K. Available at Starbucks locations.

BluePrint Organic Motion Potion

At just 50 calories in the 12-ounce bottle, it’s not going to make a huge dent in your calorie intake, but it is going to give you a little boost of vitamin C. It’s low in sodium (just one percent of your daily value) as well as carbohydrates (12 grams in the bottle). What’s in it? Juices from organic romaine lettuce, cucumbers, apple, celery, lemon juice, kale, spinach, and parsley, water, and natural peppermint flavor. Available at Whole Foods.

Suja Twelve Essentials

This USDA certified organic juice is full of all kinds of deep greens, which means it’s low on calories (70 per bottle) but has 20 percent of your daily value of vitamin C. It’s also low on carbs (14 grams per bottle) and contains only ten percent of your daily value of sodium. This juice has a refreshing taste due to the peppermint and spearmint leaf tea, mixed with organic juice from celery, cucumber, collard greens, lemon, kale, green chard, parsley, ginger, romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce and spinach. Available at Whole Foods.